Plants vs. Zombies Quicksaver
The legendary Plants vs. Zombies was a different game. It was the game which pioneered the path of mobile video games. But it was also a game that lacked some of the obvious features, such as cloud saves. It was very very 2009.
So just like before: you can now quicksave Plants vs. Zombies for Windows and Mac. The python script I am uploading will let you save the game to the location of your choice, and restore it. As you finish playing it through a session or a seating, you can simply choose to save it; and then, later on from another computer or so, you can choose to restore it and start the game. Also if you are interested in cloud-saving, all you have to do is simply place the in a cloud-shared folder, like Dropbox.
For obvious reasons, use it at your own risk!
(note: I have not been able to test the compatibility between Windows version’s and Mac’s, so be advised. Also, the save location for Steam versions are different. I was not able to find the exact path, so let me know if you have it. You can also swap the existing path, which currently is for non-Steam purchase.)
How to Use
- This code is written in Python. If you are on Windows PC, please check to download it.
- Download and put it in the location of your choice.
- Unzip the file.
- Open any kind of text editors, and copy-paste following codes.
Mac/Linux: #!/bin/bash cd “$(dirname “$0″)” python
python pause - Save the text as following:
Mac: start.command Windows: start.bat
- By simply clicking on the start file you just created, the code will run asking for your prompt.
Let me know if there is any issues.