How to Sync Sublime Text Packages

I’ve been using Sublime Text since version 2, and of its many features, one I needed the most is definitely the additional packages and extensions you can install based on your needs. Only problem is that Sublime Text doesn’t support cloud sync out of the box, so the user does have to tweak it to get it working.


  1. Create a designated folder inside your cloud folder (e.g. iCloud Drive) and copy the path to folder.
  2. From the machine that has all the necessary packages installed (primary), replace the bracketed path, and run following command on Terminal:

mv '~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User' [path to cloud folder]

  1. Same as previous step, replace the path with your own and run the command:

ln -s [path to cloud folder] '~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User'

  1. On other machines, (i.e. secondary, this machine will use the packages from the cloud) run the following command to erase the current packages:

rm -r '~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User'

  1. Once the local packages removed, we can create the symlink to the cloud with the following command:

ln -s [path to cloud folder] '~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User'

It’s a simple trick using a symlink and relatively straightforward. I do want to emphasize again, the procedure will take the packages from primary then distribute it to secondary machines during the setup. Once completed, you can add a new package to Sublime Text from any machine.

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