App to Stitch Screenshots on iOS

Whenever I need to share a screenshot of one long formatted contents, unless it’s required to keep the originals, I prefer to “stitch” the images together to it one smooth image. Screenshots of fun moments on chat rooms, some good memes on the internet, and etc., are best served as smooth roll.

That being said, I was on a look out for an app that will automatically stitch the images together. I wasn’t planning on taking screenshots myself, cropping the border, and take it to Photoshop or equivalent to do it all manually — a smart app to do it smartly will do.

Tailor, is freely available app and on iOS App Store, that will do the job automatically. There is a hidden price to remove the ads and watermark starting at $2.99. The app isn’t showered with ads like some other freemium ones I’ve seen, nor the watermark is all over the result page; I think $2.99 is an acceptable price for one-time purchase, and using it as free still outputs acceptable results.

There is one thing to note, however. Because the app needs an overlap in screenshots to detect how the contents is supposed to be connected, you may want to give it a generous overlap and take one or two more screenshots than usual. By usual, I mean the manual methods. Frankly, taking one more screenshot isn’t such a demanding task, I wouldn’t call it a downside. It’s more or less a difference in methods.

note: Featured image is from Tailor.

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