App to Connect to Network Drive on Boot
AutoMounter, priced at $9.99, is the name of the app. The app saves the credentials for the server and connects to the drive on the boot. It also supports other features, one of which is conditional mounting (e.g. if you are on home network, connect to home NAS). I’m sure the app supports more feature than those two, but I believe those two features to be the core value it brings.
Despite the app doing exactly what it’s supposed to do, this is one of those features Apple should have “sherlocked” long ago into Finder. For better or worse, average users are no longer buying portable storage. Most people would subscribe to a cloud service, and then there are few who opt to set one up themselves. I know cloud services already offer an app with similar features, but as a user, most people would definitely appreciate having more choice.
note: Featured image is from the Pixeleyes