From App-to

App to Add Custom Fonts on iOS

Both macOS and iOS have similar font book system, where the fonts a user installs are all stored and managed from one place. The big asterisk for iOS version of font book is that it lacks the feature to import custom fonts from external sources. The only way to do so on mobile devices is…

App to Track Price Changes on Amazon

If you are shopping NAS drives on Amazon, one of the things to look out for is occasional discounts manufacturers or Amazon might have. This is especially handy for anyone who is living abroad with weird customs code. As I happen to be living in South Korea, hard drives that costs (including shipping, local taxes,…

App to Test Outgoing Port Blocking

I was thinking of adding a category for ‘app for that’, but after some research I found out Apple had already trademarked the phrase “there’s an app for that”. So no luck there, and this time around this isn’t about the app either. It’s a web utility that is concise and beautifully designed to serve…

App to Connect to Network Drive on Boot

This one belongs in the “there is an app for that” department. If you are an avid NAS user, chances are most of your drives are already connected via network. And that means, on every boot up, you will need to manually login to the NAS on Finder to mount the drives. One might call…