I remember helping ‘tech-suspicious’ individuals who didn’t understand USBs back in 2000s. The usual responses were either awe, which I wholeheartedly agreed at the time, or disgust, thinking this will be an escape from the Matrix. It wasn’t, and it isn’t.
The Mad Tea Party
Inspiring yet Mad Spiels
From Op-ed
On the Matters of, How to Read
This is for you, folks. You guys just had to bombard me with emails. Like I had to hit reply so many times, I won’t forward the exchange which prompted the update. But I can give you a piece, covering on what happened, how it happened, and perhaps what we can learn from it. And…
How America Grades Samsung on Pass or Fail
Calling out on Galaxy Fold debacle as “graded on a curve” apparently was an understatement. It is time to face the ugly truth. Samsung already has a bad track record, and none of the reviewers had gull to question the product in their hand. These pre-launch reviews that had been published prior to the issue…
Are Foldable Smartphones the Future?
Remember the days before iOS? In 2010, Apple finally rebranded its iPhone OS to iOS, making it the first non-Mac OS Apple had released. The significance of the iPhone manufacturer’s rebranding comes not from its shoddy name, but rather its date: 2010. In 2010, smartphone phone factors started to see consolidations. Google was releasing its…
How PC and eGPU Communities Morphed into Bait-and-Switch Props
Originally I was planning on publishing how-to tips on accelerating internal displays using eGPU. Unfortunately that did not work out as I had hoped. And as such, I am taking this chance to address one of the issues that are lingering in the eGPU communities, and perhaps the PC communities in general.
WordPress Theme Subscription is the New Sham in the Town
We have all seen annual upgrade tactics on different applications. What makes WordPress theme extremely awkward however, is the fact that none of the features actually change and/or fixed since the release. If there is a glitch, it must be fixed regardless of “upgrade”, and if it is an entirely new feature, likely the designer…
Beta Software is not a Press Release Copy
In light of possible obsolesce of eGPU support on TB1/2 machines, I thought it would be a good time to go back to the basics for this week. Public and/or developer beta is hardly a reliable source of information. Features will be added, dropped, and then added again in betas. And if you need an…
State of eGPU Support on Coming High Sierras
High Sierra tuned in native support for eGPUs, but recent updates on eGPU support on older Macs are looking grim. If you own a Mac that does have a USB-C port, (or any plain MacBooks) it is very likely your computer does not support Thunderbolt 3. Any Mac with Thunderbolt 1 or 2 ports are…
Blockchain-Based Currency is Not the Money We Know
An introduction to Bitcoin makes it sound so user-friendly and a simpleton business, but elegant with modern encryption, but the actual system design is largely kept a secret like a Death Star. It doesn’t matter how a 100 km-wide space station roams around in space freely and shoot out a laser beam that will utterly…
Walt Whitman and the Culture of American Celebrity
이 문제는 휘트먼과 휘트먼의 사상을 알고 있더라면 쉽게 풀 수 있습니다. 만일 이 문제가 문학을 염두에 둔 새로운 수능의 영어 예제 문제로 나왔더라면 쌍수를 들고 환영할 겁니다. 저만 하더라도 원문이 되는 책은 몇번이나 읽어봤으니까요. 저 문단 하나로 당대의 분위기와 시인을 동시에 파악할 수 있기 때문에 대학에서 흔히 텍스트로 씁니다. 거기다 사용하는 단어도 미국에서 흔히 접할 수 있는 것들 뿐입니다.
FBI is Still Nagging Apple for Backdoor Access
Apparently books on iPhone back doors from 2015 is not officially closed for FBI. FBI Director shared the actual stats behind the requests last Sunday, around 6,900 devices. Following the Texas shooting, FBI once again shared its frustration that the bureau was unable to decrypt the shooter’s phone. Although the law enforcement did not disclose…
Apple Firing Engineer over iPhone X Vlog Reveals “Emerging Adult” Mishap
“There have been many names” can’t have described it better when it comes to obsession found primarily in Western culture on the subject of emerging adulthood. Now that quote is from none other than Da Vinci Code, the movie, a story of a woman who wants to find a killer of her grandfather, which then…
High Sierra Second Public Beta is Here
Second public beta of High Sierra with rather grim news. Aside from obvious bug fixes, eGPU.io confirmed High Sierra is more confining than that Sierra is and was. The drivers aside from Radeon RX 470/480/570/580 definitely exists in High Sierra and can be found rather easily. My testing showed High Sierra was able to “grab”…
High Sierra Public Beta is Here
Public beta for High Sierra is here, and boy, we didn’t see this kind of mess since Lion. This devastation is only comparable to the first release of public beta OS X Lion, and if you are in for it, you won’t be disappointed. I’m not even sure how developers are supposed to work with…
eBay Sniping Can’t Work, Because Reasons
Apparently there is something called “sniping” in eBay, now taken as a community norm. Does it work? In its essence, yes. Does it work on theoretical level? Not really. Let me lay it out bits by bits. eBay is effectively a proxy auction. (not a dictionary term) There is a software that bids on your…