From Op-ed

An Argument For Wireless Audio in iPhone 7

Newest turmoil around iPhone is now the lack of 3.5mm headphone jack. Apple, at least Phil Schiller believes it is “courage” to remove headphone jack to move toward wireless future. Several arguments had been made against it, and here are some of them that hold up to criticism.

“Colonial Boomerang” Can’t be Worse Choice of Word

ORIGINALLY ON NYT, SEOUL’S COLONIAL BOOMERANG The issue of comfort women is devastating. Let’s leave it there. Because there hasn’t been a single article that dealt the issue with a proper perspective it deserves. It was Americans who decided to give Japan a slack in American military court, not Asians nor Europeans, both the victims of…

3DTV Is Announced Dead

We’ve been waiting for it. When will 3D finally be a new standard? Guess what, never. Gizmodo just ran an article based on CES 2015, and apparently the next big thing will be Smart TV, not 3D. Nobody wants a half-baked computer, so I’d say in a couple of years, Smart TV will be announced dead as well.

9 out of 10 million iPhones are affected, Apple says

This is actually getting funny. Apparently Apple only had received 9 complaints so far as to the bending issue of new iPhone 6+. And unlike what the internet has suspected, iPhone 6 is durable enough to withstand the “bending.” Here’s my question though: If there’s people who can put a bigger phone in their front pocket, how big is their pants supposed to be? The claim was iPhone 6+ bent in the front pocket from everyday usage. I couldn’t get my Galaxy Note 3 in my front pocket, EVER. Most of the people whom I’ve known had their tablets in their…

Apple Bend-Gate Is Coming

I’m sure most of you have already heard of iPhone 6+ is more bendable —or malleable— then any other phones, and customers are crying for Apple’s comment. I couldn’t find any hints on iPhone 6 being bendable, but they are all made out of aluminum, better be prepared. Most likely, Apple’s reply to this “bend-gate” will simply be “we got you free case made out of non-aluminum, so shut up,” just like they did with iPhone 4. Some articles are even pointing out that with the same amount of pressure, phones made out of plastic —usually android smartphone— will simply…

Here Comes the Downhill of Mighty Apple

Is it iPhone 6? iPhone 6 Plus? or iNote? Let’s start with the obvious. Apparently nobody got it right because Apple was working on two iPhones simultaneously. Not only bigger, iPhone 6 plus is now competing against Galaxy Note. For dubious reasons, Apple decided to call it “iPhone,” but it’s not a phone and even Sammy knows it. 5.5″ is simply irrational, why 5.5? Apple’s biggest competitor Samsung’s Galaxy S5 has 5.1″ screen and Galaxy Note 4’s 5.7″. Meaning, It’s bigger than conventional phones, but smaller than portable tablets. If anyone cares to recall Steve Jobs on Keynote for the first…

Google’s Self-Driving Programs May Yet to Come True

We’ve heard of good old ethics argument when it comes to driver-less cars, where as “who will pay for insurance, who will be responsible for accidents, and what happens to the taxi drivers.” These arguments are, in fact, simply not related to what is going on in the market. These questions behind new technology has nothing to do with why Google cannot sell its self-driving programs just yet. It is still within Google’s limit to simply sell it as a car modification package, provided all the consumers will buy them from a car repair shop or self-install them. For instance, California is…

Make Great Games, Not Kinect Games Says Xbox Rep.

Finally someone who knows what industry they are dealing with in Microsoft. In recent interview with Polygon, head of Xbox simply answered make great games. Now that the gaming community clearly knows Xbox one failed in performance competition against PS4, Xbox franchise in deep water. MS is left with no choice, if not providing better experience and environment with Xbox and Xbox Live. However, former head of Xbox division, Don Mattrick disregarded any criticisms by saying “backward,” almost every single interviews he had, spreading belief current and Xbox one’s environment will remain to be backward. Microsoft sold 5 million Xbox One,…

Samsung is Finally Desperate: Pro needs no keyboard?

Samsung has been releasing numerous anti-Apple advertisements in years, and now Samsung is finally making its final desperate moves. It’s not the specs, it’s not the features, but it’s the lack of the features they wish to promote in anti-Apple, anti-Microsoft, anti-Amazon commercial. Yeah, that’s how boring it can be. Besides from making 3 different occasions of how Galaxy Pro is supposedly more superior, —which is another reason why this ad seems so distracting— it seems to be losing its sense of continuity every 20 seconds. In the first scenario, iPad obviously loses. Frankly, if you are on an important…

Calling Apple for iMac Support, NEVER MIND!

Just take a good look at featured images. I took them this morning. These smudges are literally growing from the bottom edges. I don’t smoke, —it’s an apartment complex filled with smoke alarm— I didn’t burn my iMac either. Those smudges, or smoke as Apple prefer to call them, are behind the screen. I’m not…

XBox 720 will need always-on connection

Kotaku, The Next Xbox Will Require an Internet Connection To Start Games, Sources Say Two Kotaku sources have added more credence to the rumor that the next Xbox, expected to battle the PlayStation 4 in late 2013 or early 2014, will be an always-online system, though it will be able to tolerate dropped connections. “Unless something has changed recently,” one of the sources told us over email, “Durango consumer units must have an active internet connection to be used.” Who said nightmare is over once and for all? It’s only the begging.

Manic Nation: Dr. Peter Whybrow Says We’re Addicted to Stress

원문 Manic Nation: Dr. Peter Whybrow Says We’re Addicted to Stress Mary A. Fischer, Pacific Standard 신청받은 기사 “인류는 컴퓨터란 전자 마약에 중독됐다“ 김우용, ZDnet Korea “인간의 우수한 지능에도 불구하고, 인간은 고대의 욕망에 의해 움직이고 있다”고 요약했다. But, Whybrow notes, “despite our superior intelligence, we remain driven by our ancient desires.” 하지만 와이브로는 “인류의 우월한 지능에도 불국하고, 우리는 아직까지도 고대의 욕망에 의해 움직이고 있다”고 언급했다. 피터 와이브로 박사 (Dr. Peter Whybrow)가 언급하는 “고대의 욕망(ancient desires)”는 다른게 아니라 현생 인류가 포유류로써 파충류에서부터 진화했음을 언급하는 부분입니다. 흔히들 뇌를 구분할 때 파충류뇌라고 하는 부분을 “고대의 욕망”이라고 표현한 것입니다. 인간의 이성을 관장하는 부분은 파충류뇌의 위,…

iPhone 5 Costs May Be Eating Apple’s Gross Margins

원문 iPhone 5 Costs May Be Eating Apple’s Gross Margins John Paczkowski, AllThingsD 신청받은 기사 “애플, 아이폰 고수익 오래 못갈 것“ 남혜원, ZDnet Korea 그는 아이폰5 생산 원가를 약 370달러로 추정, 고비용이 큰 폭의 흑자 유지에 부정적이라고 파악했다. 이에 따라 12월 마감되는 애플 분기 매출 중 순익 비중이 40%에서 38.8%로 떨어질 것으로 전망했다. Hargreaves says the cost of goods sold for an iPhone 5 is higher than expected — about $370 (seems a little high, no?) — and he figures that will trim Apple’s overall gross margin for the December quarter to 38.8 percent from 40 percent. 하그리브스는 매출원가가 예상보다…

What IF Wikipedia starts charging subscription fee?

In a world of Spotifys and Netflixs and countless other subscriptions, what’s just one more? Especially for something as wildly useful as Wikipedia. If Wikipedia was to go to a subscription model, how much would you be willing to pay? How much would be high enough that you would try to go without? Like Limer said in his post, Wikipedia has become one of the most influential website in WWW. It stands for free and easily accessible informations for public, meaning, people love free good goodies. For some reason, Wikipedia has not run any kinds, literally NO, never ever, of…