In one of the previous post, I wrote a Python code to generate “type-friendly” version of random passwords, where “type-friendly” meant generating clusters of strings. But touchscreen isn’t the only time I want custom grammar rules from password managers. Password managers generally have better UI to create random passwords for whatever length you choose. The…
The Mad Tea Party
Inspiring yet Mad Spiels
Tagged Password Policy
How to Generate Type-Friendly Password
For the life of me, I do not see why this is a thing for Korean websites and apps, but Korean apps often require “virtual keyboard” on a smartphone. Yes, you heard me correctly. On a smartphone’s virtual touchscreen keyboard, they insist to put in a new randomized keyboard for security sake, while banning the…
How to Randomly Generate a Pattern Lock pt. 2
The last how-to I published had some backstories. It’s always easier to input a pattern lock when it only has 8-direction: up, down, left, right and 4 diagonals. But security-wise, having more options is always more preferable. This is one of the weakness of the pattern lock; you might as well use a simple PIN…
How to Randomly Generate a Pattern Lock
PSA before we begin: if you are using pattern lock on your device as primary method of authentication, find alternatives. Pattern lock is unsafe. There is a reason why password managers don’t try supporting it. Compared to that of PIN, the safety provided by pattern lock is mediocre at best even with the best of…