I’ve been writing on Ulysses app for some time, and I had been using Ulysses under the assumption that the app is pulling double duty as WordPress post editor; it is not. Ulysses doesn’t have access to posts already published on WordPress. From the email responses I’ve gotten from Ulysses team, it appears this is…
The Mad Tea Party
Inspiring yet Mad Spiels
Tagged WordPress
How to Use iCloud Mail with External Self-Hosting Domain
Until recently, I had the emails for themtparty.com to either redirect to each authors or the admin address. I wasn’t interested in having a separate email service for self-hosted WordPress blog, but there were times when I needed @themtparty.com email addresses. If you are subscribing to iCloud+ *, possibly for cloud storage reasons, the package…
How to Adjust Aspect Ratio for Image Class in WordPress
If you are posting regularly on WordPress-run websites, you are most likely also posting an image as visual aid —best way to describe what the post is without a single word. And as I had discussed it in an op-ed, aspect ratio is a thing for modern readers, and images will play a major role…
How to Replace WP-Cron with Linux Cron
In my previous posts, I tried fixing WordPress’ weird behaviors with scheduled post not publishing correctly when the site uses a caching plugin. One such attempt was to add hooks to activate cache purging, and another was to forcefully activate wp-cron.php. I had hoped this would solve the problem, but I couldn’t get the stable…
How to Change WordPress Tag Cloud Tag Number
The title might be mouthful, but WordPress’ embedded tag cloud widget has a default limit on how many tags it will display. The widget does not update automatically based on the space, —yes, I was surprised to find out about it too— and the maximum number of tags the widget displays is set as a…
How to Troubleshoot WordPress Scheduled Post Not Publishing pt. 2
I’m still in the process of gathering more information on the subject, but I did manage to find what could be the another source of the same problem. Please read through the symptoms part of the previous post to see if this is your case. But to put simply, when your website uses a cache…
How to Troubleshoot WordPress Scheduled Post Not Publishing
No doubt different writers have different post publishing schedules, but we all do have a schedule —or at least try— to follow. What used to be simple ‘schedule to publish’ on WordPress is quite no more, however, with many hosting services now require WordPress hosted websites to take advantage of caching. Personally I find it…
Disabling WordPress Theme Updates Notification
WordPress comes with some quirks,as its a free, open-source platform. While WordPress as a software has come a long way since becoming one of the pioneers, its economy is no different from mobile OS. Plugins and themes almost always fall in to 4 categories: free, freemium, paid, or subscription. And unfortunately some of these paid…
WordPress Theme Subscription is the New Sham in the Town
We have all seen annual upgrade tactics on different applications. What makes WordPress theme extremely awkward however, is the fact that none of the features actually change and/or fixed since the release. If there is a glitch, it must be fixed regardless of “upgrade”, and if it is an entirely new feature, likely the designer…
Dec 8, 2017
Quick announcements Weekly op-ed is coming next Wednesday. ruined-world.com is once again redirecting all traffic to themtparty.com. Please refrain from using/bookmarking/emailing ruined-world.com, instead use the new domain. New permalink setup has proven to be effective. It is unlikely to be reverted back to post id setup. WordPress core system redirects any traffic to old slugs, so do not worry about which URL you can use. By all means, if you need a permanent URL, I can give you the post ID permalink. Please do let me know. Please do let me know if any of the slugs are off (not…
Dec 3, 2017
It may comes as a surprise, but WordPress has its own commenting system on the same server, instead of Jetpack, Disqus, or any other comment plugins. And Disqus, to no one’s surprise, almost always wins the nomination for best comment platform.
Dec 1, 2017
After working through some of the slugs on older posts, it came to my attention, some of the older posts are either not bringing up any points or incorrectly imported as op-ed. Most of them were either personal clipping of hilarious tech articles or just daily blog postings that seem to have fallen through the cracks.
Nov 13, 2017
There have been several changes to the website. It’s quite a list, without further ado. Probably most obvious, but most invisible subject: Ads. I’ve been asked to remove all ads from the website previously, but that small revenue from advertisements is exactly what is running this website. I won’t mind anyone using Adblocks, because frankly, that should be the job of developers behind the Adblock to leave less intrusive Ads to help the authors and promote balanced ad campaigns on the web.
Jun 29, 2016
Since the new version of Disqus and WP, it had failed to notify me to moderate new incoming comments. Sorry folks, if you had any questions that needed my immediate attention, I simply didn’t get the message. As of now, (like 2 mins ago) Disqus is disabled. Also, I do wish to point out that I’m not planning to enable it anytime soon. Apparently there had been an outcry on what Disqus is doing to “moderate” the comments of a community. updated Dec 3, 2017: retitled from “Disqus Is Temporarily Disabled on MTP”.
Jan 1, 2016
Quick announcement addressed the issue where multiple posts would start loading at once. updated Dec 1, 2017: retitled from “Update: 1/1/15” and summarized the bug report.